December Meeting 2023
The December meeting is our AGM and Christmas lunch where members provide dishes for the buffet, we have a report on the year's events, vote on the committee and give our explanations about the challenge items we have made. Generally a good time is had by all.
This year we said a big thank you to Kate Allport who after many years of running the sales table is stepping back from this role and to June Russell, who is stepping down from the committee, for all her hard work as Programme Co-ordinator. In June's place Rhona Bell has been appointed the new Programme Co-ordinator and we also welcomed Yvonne Craig onto the Committee. In regard to the sales table Kate has found a great team to replace her and going forward items will not be individually priced but members will pay a donation to group fund to the value of what they think the items are worth.

Sue's Christmas Challenge

This year’s challenge "Bring on the Bling" was to make something fun and glitzy. Some used the King's coronation as their inspiration whilst many others hit the sales table. As always no prizes but there was lots of laughter over the explanations/excuses, and wonder and marvel at the creations of our inventive members. Well done to everybody who took part.

Our Chair Theresa has been particularly busy with items from the sales table, and her own stash, to make jewellery from zips, peg dolls and Christmas tree decorations. Many were intrigued by the use of "sticky dots".

Carol explained how she used her time visiting her elderly mother to knit tinsel and made the tiniest Christmas wreath from beads.

Detail of Yvonne's Stumpwork

The ever inventive Sue H made a fully interactive waterwheel (as you do) and
our challenge setter Sue J made a very sparkly decoration from Sales Table finds.

For the Coronation Rhona Blinged the Queen so she didn't feel left out and showed us her embroidery on wood which we will all get to try in January.
Norma was very proud to to have at least started a challenge piece this year. She hopes her "Redwork" will finally be finished in 2024.

Caroline added a jewelled crown to her Cat Queen purse. Whilst Shirley joined the "Jam Busters" and made her own crown for the Coronation and a star for her tree.

June modelling her crocheted earrings

Vanessa went large with a hand stitched quilt.

Enid turned her crazy patchwork into 4 panels to reflect the 4 seasons.

Heather made herself a very Bling beret.

Ingeborg made a wall hanging for her kitchen

Kay stitched herself an intricate necklace from beads.

As a tribute to her husband and their journey together Annie made a wall plaque and Jackie chose to depict her move to Berwick in tiny beads..all 8515 of them.

Rineke also used beads to make this beautiful embroidered woodpecker

Lesley told us about her work as a volunteer guide in Kelso and the history behind this image which now hangs in the cafe there.

Mary showing us her window ornament as there is nothing so bright as sunlight.

Anne made a door wreath from recycled ribbons.

Detail of Kate's bag
Kate started making this velvet bag embroidered with gold threads and beads on a workshop in 2008. She finally finished it at 11am on the day of the 2023 Christmas meeting. Talk about cutting it fine!
This highly detailed stocking, complete with presents, was made by Christine (one of our newest members).
Welcome to the challenge Christine!